Together We Grow

I was in L.A. to celebrate Chinese New Year with my family. My uncle in Colorado was also in town so our family dinner was more festive this year. We then talked about doing a family trip to Asia but soon realized that my mom is still a green card holder. We feared that if we traveled out of the country, she would have a hard time getting back in considering the recent immigration ban. What a fucked up thing to do from our current president. My family came to America as part of the second wave of Chinese-Vietnamese refugees. So it breaks my heart to see Muslim families getting torn apart and refugees barred from entering America. All refugees are welcome here!

I had a chat with Justina about this terrifying situation we're in and I know many people who feel powerless (myself included). But you don't have to be. By aligning ourselves with brave people and supporting honorable businesses, meaning boycotting those that support Trump, is a good start. We need to donate to organizations, like ACLU that help us fight the good fight. March. Rally. Because TOGETHER, WE GROW.

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