This weekend went by so fast. I drove through a few tunnels where I like to do this cheesy thing, I hold my breath and make a little wish. I'm a cheeseball. My cousin and I started it when we were kids and I catch myself still doing it sometimes. Geeze, what did I wish for back in the days? Probably to get adopted by some nice, Swedish family so I can live in a IKEA home. Seriously.

Then, I moseyed over to the optometrist to pick up new contacts for my four eyes. They have these crazy eyeballing window treatments. It's like optome-prison but I like it, it's an interesting way to unghettofy bars on windows. And I made a quick stop at my third home, Target.

I was super excited about Compai's potluck. Let me tell ya, the fabulous Justina is a bundle of sweetness and even more fabulous in person, if that's even possible? And I had a chance to mingle with other wonderful gals from I ART U / Hustle Up / Zakka Nouveau / Destined to Design. I knew we'd be trading PLAYING cards (I hate calling them business cards) so I quickly printed a few for OLD BRAND NEW on beautiful Somerset printmaking paper.

That's about it. I can't wait to show you a small cabinet I picked up at the thrifts a couple days ago. Here's a sneak peek.