I picked up the the black woven shoes and bangle from the Rose Bowl flea market over the weekend. I have the exact same pair in brown so when I saw it in black for ten bucks, I thought, why not? I've also been trying to get into more accessories since my clothes tend to be really basic. I love this Zara knit sweater I got on sale. You know, I'm a big fan of color for my home but on me, not so much. I love my shades of grey and black. Everything in my wardrobe is muted, except for a few plaid shirts and some random colored shirts I never wear. Don't get me wrong, I love colorful clothes, just not on me. And oh, hey! That's me. I guess it wouldn't be right to show you what I was wearing without me wearing it.

mezlan shoes / vintage bangle / zara sweater / american apparel tee / izzue trousers