Currently Reading | Apartamento #07
August 31 2011

Apartamento is "a magazine interested in homes, living spaces and design solutions as opposed to houses, photo ops and design dictatorships. The magazine is a logical result of the post-materialist mind shift. People are bored with the ostentatious and über-marketing. There is a real quest for identity in the midst of mass production and globalization, and that quest leads to what is personal, what is natural, what is real."

Yep, and that's why it's currently my favorite magazine. It's got style and substance and spirit. Non of that flossy-flossy that gets eatened up by Unhappy Hipsters. The stories are fun and engaging, the photographs are beautiful, and the design and layout is pretty clever. I grabbed my copy at a local bookstore but you can grab a copy here. This issue has an everyday life food supplement for all you healthy foodies.