We got up early Saturday to scope out seven homes we bookmarked from Craigslist. We were lucky the sun was out because it rained cats on Sunday. Initially, we wanted to stay local, close to downtown, either in Echo Park, Silver Lake or even Los Feliz but we started to trek further west towards Hollywood and in the end, a charming home in Mircale Mile won our itty bitty hearts.

It was our last stop. We had already seen three amazing places that we loved and was this close on skipping what would have been our future home. As soon as I walked in, I was sold. Even though, there was no electricity running in the house, and the sun was down, I fell in love with the fireplace, brass sconces, wooden beams on the ceiling, and vintage hardwares throughout the house. It was love at first sight so we immediately snatched it up. It was almost too good to be true or something. I thought, could this be some sick American Horror Story? But I didn't care.

I wish I had photos to show. My camera died after candidate #2 and there were a total of four sweet ones. Never in my house hunting experience have I found this many awesome places in one day. Craigslist is the shizzle! He will hook you up. I found my car, my digital camera, my heartmate (kidding!) and jobs through it.

Anyway, we're moving in a couple weeks and I can't wait to start decorating all over again. Color me wicked excited!
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