Do you remember when you were a kid and played shopping in your own bedroom? I used to pretend I had my own Sanrio store and my baby sis would buy stuff from me with nickels and dimes. I was obsessed with Sanrio back then.

Well, now there's Luvocracy, a whole new online shopping experience that combines a bit of social media and ecommerce. Their motto is "buy stuff you love from people you trust!" The great thing is you can now follow all your favorite tastemakers and purchase directly from their collections. It's a more seamless process. Or you can create your own collections where you pick and pull all your favorite accessories, books, clothes, furniture or home goods from different online shops, which I'm sure you've already been doing on pinterest so this will be very familiar to you. Here's an example of one of mine titled Noir, essentially all amazing stuff in black. It's super easy.

Luvocracy is pretty new and it's great to be part of the next big thing in social media. Currently, it's invite only so if you're interested in signing up, please click here or you can leave your email addy in the comments and I'll send you a personal invite. Check it out and join the Luv train! :D