Candles are the best gifts to give because everyone loves a good smelling candle. Am I right? They can be pretty pricey, too, so I feel like everyone's a little reluctant to spend their hard earned cash on them. Maybe because it's like burning money away? So when I get them as gifts, I get super giddy! I remember at a white elephant party a few years ago, I gifted a Voluspa candle and it was the most stolen item. People go crazy for candles!!! Especially if they look this beautiful. Some of them can be used as little planters, or to store jewelry, or even as cups after the candle's donzo. I'm totally eyeing on that Magnus Opus one.

Mad Et Len Magnus Opus • Jonathan Adler Pop Champagne Candle Blue Stone Candle

Saxon Candle • Missoni Candle • Byredo Bohemia Bougie Parfumée

Jonathan Adler Blanc Candle • Le Petit Grain 21 Pure Candle